Conférence de presse
à l’extérieur du bureau montréalais du Premier Ministre Justin Trudeau au sujet des attaques génocidaires contre les Kurdes par la Turquie, de la collaboration de la Turquie avec Daesh (E.I.) et du silence du Canada
Une action coordonnée internationalement à l’occasion de la Journée de la paix mondiale des Nations Unies.
Le mercredi 21 septembre 2016 à 11h
à l’extérieur du bureau montréalais du Premier Ministre Justin Trudeau
529 Rue Jarry E #302, Montréal, QC H2P 1V4
Contact pour logistique: Nathan McDonnell 5145614656
Après plus d’une année d’attaques violentes et génocidaires turques contre les Kurdes dans le sudest de la Turquie, l’armée turque a maintenant envahi la Syrie et attaque la région majoritairement kurde du nord de la Syrie au Rojava. Dans cette région du Rojava, depuis le retrait de l’armée syrienne en 2011, une diversité ethnique a bâti une société remarquable basée sur la démocratie directe, l’empowerment des femmes ainsi que l’harmonie ethnique et religieuse. Non seulement ils ont créé la partie de la Syrie la plus stable et pacifique, ils ont aussi été la force combattante la plus efficace contre Daesh (aussi connu sous le nom d’État islamique), sauvant des populations de nombreux massacres, avec l’appui aérien américain.
Toutefois, l’Opération bouclier de l’Euphrate, qui est l’intervention militaire de l’invasion turque soutenue par l’OTAN, se produit dans l’objectif de détruire cette région autonome dans laquelle les mouvements kurdes ont eu un rôle important. Malgré que cette invasion turque proclame vouloir s’attaquer à Daesh, il y a de nombreuses preuves qu’en réalité il y a une étroite collaboration économique et militaire insidieuse entre la Turquie et Daesh.
Simultanément, le Canada, en tant qu’allié de la Turquie par l’OTAN, a été complètement silencieux sur ces attaques et a soutenu l’invasion militaire turque. Cette annéemême, le Canada est devenu le 2e plus grand exportateur d’armes au MoyenOrient et plusieurs des manufactures d’armes ont un bureau central à Montréal. Le Canada continue de collaborer avec la Turquie par ses exportations et son intelligence militaires.
Les personnes présentes seront :
Gurkan Ormangoren, Coprésident du Centre communautaire kurde de Toronto.
Contactez : (647) 7719812;
Mahmut Colak Zerdesti, Membre du Congrès national kurde (Toronto)
Daniel Gingras, président, Pierre Jasmin, vice-président et Izabella Marengo, secrétaire « Les Artistes pour la Paix »
Nathan McDonnell (anglais et français), Solidarité Rojava Montréal et éditeur de Black Rose Books.
Contactez : (514) 5614656;
En présence de Dimitri Roussopoulos, cofondateur de « Les Artistes pour la Paix » et participant d’une délégation de huit nations en février 2016 à Istanbul, en Turquie, promouvant les droits du chef de file kurde, Abdullah Öcalan, perçu comme le ‘Nelson Mandela kurde’.
Lire ici la lettre envoyée au ministre Stéphane Dion par les APLP le 19 septembre au soir.
Une lettre de Peace in Kurdistan
Dear Friends,
Please find below an urgent appeal from the Kurdistan National Congress in relation to the Turkish State invasion of Northern Syria. As you will see, over a thousand people have signed this appeal calling on all peoples and forces who support democracy to raise their voices against this attack, which is being carried out under the pretext of fighting ISIS. Turkey’s long term enmity towards the Kurds is unfortunately well-known and it has been Kurdish forces and Kurdish civilians who borne the brunt of the Turkish attacks. The appeal calls for the US and the EU to withdraw their support and stand against these crimes.
The Kurdish forces of the PYD have been at the forefront of the fight against ISIS, the women’s protection units have directly challenged the systematic programme of ISIS sexual violence. These forces should be supported and championed. To abandon them now invites the accusation of utmost treachery .
The appeal concludes: “The Kurdish people and other ethnicities have established a democratic administration in Rojava, with peaceful coexistence with the other ethnicities (Assyrians, Syrians, Armenians, Arabs, Turkmens, Chechens) and beliefs (Muslims, Christians, Yezidis, Alevis) at its heart. This administration is the first core example of the democratic Syria these people and democratic forces want to construct and should be supported.”
Please circulate and promote this appeal as widely as possible. Many thanks.
Peace in Kurdistan
Campaign for a political solution of the Kurdish Question
Contacts Estella Schmid 020 7586 5892 & Melanie Gingell – Tel: 020 7272 7890
Patrons: Lord Rea, Lord Dholakia, Baroness Sarah Ludford, Jill Evans MEP, Jean Lambert MEP, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Hywel Williams MP, Kate Osamor MP, Elfyn Llwyd, Sinn Fein MLA Conor Murphy, John Austin, Christine Blower, NUT International Secretary, Simon Dubbins. UNITE International Directpr, Bruce Kent, Gareth Peirce, Julie Christie, Noam Chomsky, John Berger, Edward Albee, Margaret Owen OBE, Prof Mary Davis, Dr Thomas Jeffrey Miley, Mark Thomas, Nick Hildyard, Stephen Smellie, Derek Wall, Melanie Gingell

Photo NouvelObs
Urgent Appeal
We, intellectuals, writers, artists, politicians and human rights defenders, seek to draw urgent attention to the Turkish state’s invasion in Northern Syria and Rojava.
The Turkish army invaded the Northern Syrian City of Jarablus on 24 August 2016, using anti-ISIS operations as a pretext. The operation was in collaboration with the Syrian arm of El-Qaida (Jabhat Fatah al-Sham) and groups like Ahrar El-Sham.
ISIS handed over the city, Jarablus, without a single bullet being fired. This is a clear indication that there was a prior agreement between the parties that Jarablus would remain as a base for Salafi groups. Therefore, Jarablus will remain as a corridor for foreign fighters to cross into Syria to receive training and then to cross back over in order to be distributed throughout Europe and the rest of the world.
From the third day of the operation (26 August 2016) onwards the attacks have been directed at Kurdish Forces, the Jarablus Military Council and the Minbij Military Council. Northern Syria has been largely cleansed of ISIS by these forces with the support of the international coalition lead by the US. By attacking these forces, Turkey is both interrupting the fight against ISIS and strengthening ISIS. Tayip Erdogan and other Turkish authorities officially announced the purpose of the operation, at the outset, as the targeting of Kurdish forces alongside ISIS. Turkish army has engaged in airstrikes and shelling of civilian areas, killing at least 45 in two villages south of Jarablus. According to local reports and footage received, Turkish state forces and their partners are using chemical weapons.
The reality of the situation is that the US and EU have not only turned a blind eye to these attacks but some states have even declared support for the Turkish state operation. This approach represents improper and dishonest politics and must be abandoned immediately.
Turkish state attacks are furthering the existing chaos in the region, deepening the civil war, creating new refugees and making way for new human tragedies. This must end.
The Kurdish people and other ethnicities have established a democratic administration in Rojava, with peaceful coexistence with the other ethnicities (Assyrians, Syrians, Armenians, Arabs, Turkmens, Chechens) and beliefs (Muslims, Christians, Yezidis, Alevis) at its heart. This administration is the first core example of the democratic Syria these people and democratic forces want to construct and should be supported.
It is the moral duty of all democratic people and advocates of human rights to stand against these attacks. Our call is:
- All people on the side of democracy and human values must raise their voices against the Turkish states dirty games and invasion
- International powers, especially the US and EU must withdraw their support and stand against the Turkish state’s attempts
- For a stable world and the defeat of ISIS, we must act against the foreign intervention by the Turkish state.
Supported by Dario Fo, 1997 Nobel Prize in Literature; Judge Essa Moosa, International Peace and Reconciliation Initiative, South Africa; Massimo de Vita, Direttore Teatro Officina di Milano; Prof. Kariane Westrheim, Chairperson of EU Turkey Civic Commission, Professor at the University of Bergen, Norway; Luisa Morgantini, gia Deputata Europea; Prof. Jose Maria Sison, International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS); Daniela Airoldi Bianchi, Responsabile Progetti sociali Teatro Officina di Milano; Vittorio Agnoletto, gia deputata europea,University di Milano; Francesca Chiavacci, Presidenza Nazionale ARCI; Dr.Thomas Jeff Miley, Lecturer of Political Sociology, Cambridge University, UK; Federico Venturini, School of Geography, University of Leeds, UK; Janet Biehl, Author and Editor, US; Francesco Andrade Velasco, Former Minister of Culture, Ecuador; Andrej Hunko, MP of Left Party, Germany; and several hundreds others.
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